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Conference information on audiovisual content, Zoom panels, and computer usage

 Computer, A/V, and Zoom advice


A printed copy of this information will be available in each panel room. If you need assistance with the computer and A/V tech at any time, you can ask for help at the NAVSA registration desk in the Frangipani Room on the IMU main floor. If we cannot assist you, then call:

  • On Thursday and Friday: meeting support services: 1 (812) 855-1808 

  • On Saturday: Biddle Hotel front desk: 1 (812) 855-1245


In-person participants

All panel rooms will be equipped with a PC with a camera and microphone, data projector, and screen. Please use the computer provided on the tech cart in each room to show PowerPoint slides, access Zoom, etc.


To use PowerPoint

We strongly recommend you bring the file on a thumb drive that fits a USB port. You can plug in the thumb drive, click the “type here to search” section at the bottom of the computer screen, choose “file explorer” to display a list of files, and select your PowerPoint file. To display your images on the projector screen, on the touchscreen on the tech cart, select “PC” for the tech cart computer. If you are instead using your own laptop to display slides, after you’ve connected your laptop, select “HDMI Laptop” on the tech cart’s touchscreen.


To lower the projector screen

In most rooms there is a control panel on the wall. Select “light with screen.” In the Redbud Room, you can lower the screen by flipping what looks like a light switch near the door.


If you want to read your paper from your computer

You will not be able to display your paper on the tech cart’s computer screen and display PowerPoint slides on the projector screen at the same time. If you plan to use PowerPoint and do not want to print a hardcopy of your paper, you will need to bring your laptop to read your paper and use a USB thumb drive on the tech cart PC to show your slides.


For in-person members of hybrid panels

Please note that all Zoom sessions are scheduled for the Eastern time zone. In some cases, the start time of a Zoom meeting does not exactly match the session’s start time listed in the program. The times listed in the program are correct. (Some sessions start at 10:15 or 2:45, but Zoom would only allow meeting start times in half-hour intervals, not 15-minute intervals. Hence the discrepancy between the program and Zoom.)


Accessing your panel’s Zoom link

You can join your panel’s Zoom meeting in one of two ways:

  • Use a web browser to open the conference pdf program on this website or the Ex Ordo online program. Find your panel, then click on its Zoom link. You will be asked to enter the password. When you join the meeting, YOU MUST SELECT “join with computer audio.”

  • Click on the icon for Zoom on the tech cart computer screen. After Zoom opens, click on “Join a meeting,” then enter the meeting ID for your panel (which is available in both the online and print programs), and enter the password. When you join the meeting, YOU MUST SELECT “join with computer audio.”


You should be able to share your screen through Zoom if you wish to display PowerPoint slides.


Configuring audio settings for Zoom

Once you have joined the appropriate Zoom meeting, look for the microphone icon at the bottom left of the screen and click on the arrow next to it. For the “select a microphone” section, select “microphone USB Audio.” For the “select a speaker” section, select “same as system.” When you are ready to begin, push the “Push” button in the center of the microphone stand to turn it on. (There should be a small green light when it is on.) Whoever is speaking during the panel (chair and in-person presenters) should stand in front of the computer camera and in range of the microphone when they speak.



For online participants through Zoom

Please note that all Zoom sessions are scheduled for the Eastern time zone. In some cases, the start time of a Zoom meeting does not exactly match the session’s start time listed in the program. The times listed in the program are correct. (Some sessions start at 10:15 or 2:45, but Zoom would only allow meeting start times in half-hour intervals, not 15-minute intervals. Hence the discrepancy between the program and Zoom.)


Accessing Zoom links

You can join the Zoom meeting for a keynote session or a hybrid panel in one of three ways:

  • Use a web browser to open the conference pdf program on this website or the Ex Ordo online program. Find the keynote or hybrid panel, then click on its Zoom link. You will be asked to enter the password.

  • Open Zoom on your computer and click on “Join a meeting,” then enter the meeting ID for your panel. Meeting ID numbers are available in both the online program and the Ex Ordo phone app program. You will then enter the password.

  • Open the Ex Ordo phone app, find the keynote or hybrid panel in the schedule, and click on its Zoom link. Enter the password. 


If you are an online presenter in a panel, you should be able to share your screen if you wish to display PowerPoint slides.

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